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Media Communication

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The constantly rising need for clear communication across all media platforms and industries paired with the increasing demand for digitally literate and adept individuals makes a degree in media communication increasingly valuable and versatile.

The Bachelor of Arts in media communication emphasizes cross-platform media writing, media production, critical media engagement, and digital and emerging media literacy. Students gain workforce readiness through focus on writing, research, presentation, and production skills.

Media communication students gain hands-on experience in every level of the media creation process and can participate in student media publications and organizations.


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What can I do with a media communication degree?

A media communication degree is adaptable and may lead to jobs in web content creation, editing, copyediting, scriptwriting, social media management, public relations, multi-media journalism, education, and academia.

Graduates may also work in public affairs, intercultural consulting, community outreach, gaming, and media and market research. They may enter any broadcast organization doing jobs as diverse as operating a camera, directing, analyzing media content, or acting as a news anchor or host on radio, television, or streaming services.

According to the  the annual median wage for media and communications occupations in 2023 was $66,320.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the bachelor of arts degree in media communication, students will be able to:

  • create digital photographs, video, text, and audio content.
  • discuss communication theorists and apply communication theories.
  • evaluate media images in the context of ethical, theoretical, or cultural milieus.
  • produce media with proficient post-production techniques.


Media Communication
This 18-hour program complements any major by broadening the student's academic experience and enhancing their communication skills. 


Students who complete this 18-hour program will strengthen their skills in logic and oral communication, which will support their progress in any major or career field.

Certificate of Proficiency

This 9-credit hour program provides curriculum designed for those in helping professions such as human services, health care organizations, educators, and others. Courses include Intermediate Spanish I, II, and Spanish for the Professions. Beginning Spanish I and II or required placement scores are prerequisites for Intermediate Spanish I.

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